Global Forum 2013 : DRIVING THE DIGITAL FUTURE, Opportunities for Citizens & Businesses, Trieste – Italy

Global Forum 2013 : DRIVING THE DIGITAL FUTURE, Strategies to Grow Stronger Communities & Businesses ; Trieste, Italy


GLOBAL FORUM/SHAPING THE FUTURE 2013 / Items International
Strategies to Grow Stronger Communities & Businesses

in Trieste, Italy

Items International and the Fondazione Stock Weinberg along with the Foundation Sophia-Antipolis organized, the 22nd Global Forum 2013 in Trieste, Italy the 28th and 29th of October 2013. With a strong commitment and involvement of the City, the Region, the Province, the Confindustria (the main organisation representing Italian manufacturing and services companies), the chamber of Commerce, the University of Trieste and all the IT&S research organisations.

The GLOBAL FORUM is an independent high profile international think tank event dedicated to Business and Policy issues affecting the successful evolution of the Information Society. The Global Forum brought together industry leaders, senior policy-makers from national, regional and local governments, civil society leaders, European & International companies, institutions & organizations, European Commission delegates as well as academic specialists. Since its inception, the Global Forum is pulling together each year, more than 300 diverse and talented experts from more than 30 countries from all continents. This year more than 330 delegates from 35 countries attended.

The Global Forum fosters new international initiatives, help the creation of public/ private partnerships and contribute to the dissemination of information on ICT crucial issues shaping a sustainable Digital World.

Strategies to Grow Stronger Communities & Businesses

Key challenging topics has been debated : Digital Infrastructures ; Smart Government ; Security & Regulation issues ; Big Data ; eProcurement ; Smart Energy ; Ubiquitous Content ; eHealth…

A CEI (Central European Initiative) ministerial meeting on Science and Technology has been organised in the framework of the Global Forum 2013. The meeting gathered more than 25 representatives from Albania, Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia…Czech Republic, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia.

Contacts Dr. Sylviane Toporkoff & Sébastien Lévy Tel : + 33 1 46 42 48 76 ; Fax : + 33 1 41 08 94 27 ;


Speakers Program Global Forum 2013

Day 1 : Monday 28th October 2013

WELCOMING ADDRESSES 8:45 am – 9:30 am

Sébastien Lévy, Vice President Global Forum/Shaping the Future & Partner Items International ; Administrator Silicon Sentier, France

Sylviane Toporkoff, President, Global Forum/Shaping the Future, Founder & Partner Items International ; Professor at the Institute of European studies, University of Paris, France

Keynote Speakers
Roberto Cosolini,, Mayor of the Municipality of Trieste, Italy
Igor Dolenc, Vice President Provincia di Trieste, Italy
Maurizio Fermeglia, Rector University of Trieste, Italy
Paolo Panontin, Regional Deputy to the Public Administration Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy Welcome Address
Amb. Margit Waestfelt , CEI Alternate Secretary General, Italy Welcome Address


KEYNOTE OPENING SESSION 9:30 am – 11:00 am

Ambassador Miriam Sapiro, Deputy United States Trade Representative

Chair : Roberto Viola, Deputy Director General DG CONNECT, European Commission

Moderator : Anna Gomez, Partner Wiley Rein LLP, USA

Keynote Speakers
Jørgen Abild Andersen, Chairman of OECD’s ICCP Committee ; Director General Telecom Danish Business Authority – Ministry of Business and Growth, Denmark OECD’s Internet Policy Making Principles and their importance for the Internet Economy
Laszlo Horvath, President Active Media, USA Search Engines : Is the Internet Everywhere ?…
Willie Lu , Chairman and Co-founder Palo Alto Research Group ; Chief Inventor and « Father », Mobile Cloud platform for Mobile Devices, USA User-Centric Mobile Cloud Device – Global Evolution from Mobile Era to Personal Era
Commissioner Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Federal Trade Commission-FTC, USA
Theresa Swinehart, Senior Advisor to the President on Global Strategy, ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers


SESSION 1 11:15 am – 12:45 pm

Chair/Moderator : Steven Adler, Program Director IBM Data Governance Solutions, IBM, USA


Margot Dor , Director Partnerships & EU Affairs, ETSI – European Telecommunications Standards Institute
Steven Haines , Founder/CEO Sequent Learning Networks, USA
Pascal Poitevin , Head of Department, Secretary of the Strategy Committee of Information Systems, Institut de l’Elevage, France
Gérald Santucci, Head of Unit Knowledge Sharing, DG Connect, European Commission
Claudia Selli, E.U Affairs Director AT&T, Belgium
Guido Walcher, Telit Wireless Solutions, Italy

Keynote Speakers 2:00 pm- 2:40 pm

Chair/Moderator:Madeleine Si̦steen Thiel , Senior Programme Manager Services & IT Implementation Department, VINNOVA РSwedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, Sweden

Keynote Speakers
Michel Catinat , Head of Unit for Key Enabling Technologies and ICT, DG ENTERPRISE European Commission Public sector Driving Innovation
Gabrielle Gauthey , Executive Vice President Global Government & Public Affairs Alcatel-Lucent, France International Trends For New Investment Models in NGA
Lorenzo Montermini , IT Manager GPI Group, Italy New Frontiers and New Challenges For Public Healthcare
Thomas Rosch , Counsel Antitrust & Competition Practice Latham & Watkins, USA Keynote


SESSION 2 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm

Chair : Edi Kraus , Councillor for Economic Activities Municipality of Trieste & Director General, Julon Ljubljana d.d. & Board of Directors Member, Aquafil S.p.A. Treste, Italy

Moderator : Hugo Kerschot , Founder & CEO Is-Practice, Belgium

Speakers All Slides Conbined in One file
Julia Glidden , Managing Director 21C Consultancy, United-Kingdom Kicking-Off a Smart City Platform
Kenji Hiroshige , Director London Representative Office, FMMC- Foundation for Multimedia Communications, Japan Integrated Public Alert Platform
Ching-Chih Liao , Deputy Secretary-General Taichung City Government, Taiwan 1 Pasture Can Change A City
Hanne Melin , Policy Strategy Counsel, eBay Inc. Public Policy Lab EMEA, Belgium Policy Innovation through Collaboration – Iteration – Data !
Troy Nachtigall , Prof. ISIA Firenze, Representative of the City of Trieste, Italy Breeds Trojan Horses
Eikazu Niwano , Producer Research and Development Planning Department, NTT Corporation, Japan eSelf-Government/ Governance
Philippe Perennez , CEO and R&D, Navidis, France Smart City + : Digital platform of local proximity services
Fabio Perossini , Managing Director Kpeople ltd, United-Kingdom CROSS : Citizen Reinforcing Open Smart Synergies
Alan Shark , Executive Director PTI – Public Technologies Institute ; Associate Professor of Practice Rutgers University School of Public Affairs & Administration, USA Smart Data to Help Restore Citizen Trust – from Theory to Best Practices
SESSION 3 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm

Chair/Moderator : Sébastien Héon , Director Public Affairs Cassidian CyberSecurity, France Cyber Crisis Management Handbook

Frederick Douzet , Professor & Associate Director French Institute of Geopolitics, University of Paris 8 ; Castex Chair of Cyberstrategy (IHEDN/EADS), France
Gisèle Ducrot , Casualty and Servicing Client Manager, AXA Matrix Risk Consultant, France Cyber risk prevention approach
Emmanuel Harrar , Partner Dreyfus & Associés, France How to protect Intellectual Property Rights in the new gTLDs ?
Nagaaki Ohyama , Professor Tokyo Institute of Technology, Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratory, Japan Introduction of new ID number in Japan
Frédéric Polycarpe , Head of International Sales & Programmes Cassidian CyberSecurity, France Available Technical Tools and Solutions
Michel Toporkoff , Attorney at Law, Toporkoff Law Firm, France Cybersecurity : recentfrench courts cases
Paul Wormeli , Executive Director Emeritus Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute -IJIS ; Innovation Strategist, Wormeli Consulting, LLC, USA Threats from the ether
SESSION 4 4:30 pm – 6:15 pm

Chair/Moderator : Andrew D. Lipman , Partner and Head of Telecom Group, Bingham McCutchen, USA

Olivier Duroyon , Director Public Affairs Alcatel-Lucent, France
Innocenzo Genna , Founder and Partner Director Genna Cabinet, Belgium
John Giusti , Head of Spectrum GSMA Association, United-Kingdom
Nataša Pirc Musar , Information Commissioner, Republic of Slovenia
Paolo Plebani , Founder & CEO Powerplex, Italy
Claudia Selli , E.U. Affairs Director AT&T, Belgium
Thomas Spiller , Vice President Public Policy, EMEA, The Walt Disney Company, Belgium
Fiona Taylor , Director, European Affairs & Global Internet Strategy Verizon, Belgium
SESSION 5 4:30 pm – 6:15 pm
Chair : Giampaolo Armellin , Head of Research Unit GPI Group, Italy Towards a Digital Healthcare Environment <

Moderator : Shai Misan , CEO Medic4all, Israël/Italy

Paolo Barichello , CIO Azienda ULSS N. 8 di Asolo, Italy Sustains Project- Support Users To Access Information and Services
Carmelo Battaglia , Commercial Director Public administration and institutional relations, Infocert, Italy Exploiting Trusted Healthcare Data
Giorgio Calzetti , CEO & Alessandro Borgato , Sales Manager, Solinfo, Italy Global ICT Outsourcing Service : A New Service Model
Gian luca degli Stefani , HCIT Regional Commercial Leader Italy, Malta & Israel GE Medical Systems Italia S.p.A, Italy GE Healthcare
Luca Giobelli , AOUI Verona, Italy
Serena La Manna , Project Manager R&D Division, DEDALUS SPA, Italy The vision of Dedalus for interoperability Innovation in the eHealth sector
Mario Po’ , Executive Director, Azienda ULSS Venezia, Italy Increase safety of tourists and all people in Venice
Diego Ponzin , Director Veneto Eye Bank Foundation & Corneal Consultant, Italy Information technology, corneal transplantation and eye banking
Alberto Steindler , CEO Insiel Mercato, Italy The Holistic Approach to eHealth : a New Model Aiming at Excellence
Michèle Thonnet , Official Representative of the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in the European & international e-Health Domain, France eHealth for eHealth : Designing Services for Healthy Citizens
Sara Zanchiello , Technology Transfer Broker, AREA Science Park, Italy Moving towards an integrated regional eHealth ecosystem : FVGasaL@b

SESSION 6 4:30 pm – 6:15 pm

Chair/Moderator : Luca Mastrogregori , Head of eProcurement Strategies Department, Consip, Italy
Diego Bravar , Chairman & CEO, TBS Group, Italy Clinical Engineering & ICT outsourcing services for better procurement and management in healthcare
Augusto Coriglioni , Chairman Information Technology & Delegate for Research and Innovation, UNINDUSTRIA (Confindustria Lazio), Italy
Roberto De Riccardis , Head of Strategies, Program Management & Business Consulting dept., ARCA – Agenzia Regionale Regione Lombardia (Regional Procurement Body), Italy The Region Lombardia experience
Nitya Karmakar , Professor Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia Ethics in Procurement : A Milestone for creating a transparent Business Environment
Carlo Parmeggiani , Director Public Sector – South Europe, Intel, Italy


Day 2 : Tuesday 29th October 2013

WIL-Women in Leadership Breakfast-Workshop 8:00 am – 9:30 am

Women’s careers in the Digital Age”

Welcome:Thaima Samman , President WIL-Women in Leadership in Europe ; Partner & Associated Lawyer, Samman Law Firm, France
Opening Keynote : Commissioner Maureen K. Ohlhausen , Federal Trade Commission-FTC, USA

Myriam El Ouni , Alliance Manager Microsoft, France
Eliane Fiolet , CEO, Ubergizmo, USA
Gabrielle Gauthey , Executive Vice President Global Government & Public Affairs Alcatel-Lucent, France
Marcella Logli , Director, Corporate Identity & Public Relations ; General Secretary Telecom Italia Foundation, Italy
Claudia Selli , E.U. Affairs Director, AT&T, Belgium
Marta Turk , President of the Board & Director, CCI Ljubljana, Regional Chamber of Commerce, President Founder of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs GIZ Podjetnost (Member FCEM), Slovenia
OPENING SESSION 9:30 am – 11:15 am

Chair : Bror Salmelin , Adviser Innovation Systems, DG CONNECT, European Commission Reflections from Open Innovation 2.0 paradigm

Moderator : Jay E. Gillette , Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, Center For Information and Communication Sciences Ball State University, USA Open Innovation : Strategy & Policies

Keynote Speakers
Nicole Dewandre , Adviser for Societal Issues, « Digital’s Social Sciences and Humanities » DG CONNECT, European Commission The Onlife Manifesto
Ann- Mari Fineman , Head of IT Applications & Services Department, VINNOVA – Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, Sweden Cross-boundary Innovation
Enrico Fiore , Chairman Truyoins, Israël/Italy Presentation
Antoine-Tristan Mocilnikar , Energy Digital Infrastructures Head, Interministerial Delegate to the Mediterranean, France
Gary Shapiro , President & CEO CEA – Consumers Electronics Association, USA Innovation is a belief system
Michael Stankosky , Research Professor George Washington University, USA How to Design a Successful Knowledge Management Initiative
Yoshio Tanaka , Professor Tokyo University of Science Graduate School of Management of Innovation Studies ; Emeritus Councilor National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Servicization
SESSION 7 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Chair : Thomas Spiller , Vice President Public Policy EMEA, The Walt Disney Company, Belgium

Moderator : Jean-Pierre Chamoux , Professor Université Paris Descartes, France

Ingrid Andersson, Senior Advisor Patient Certificate Scheme, Sweden
Amadou Daffe , CEO\Co-Founder Coders4Africa, USA & Ellwood Kerkeslager , CEO Information Futures, L.L.C, USA Africa Reinventing Itself By Creating Digital Content & Applying its Creativity
Denis Gardin , Senior Vice-President, Head of New Technology Ventures, EADS CTO, France MiRA – Mixed Reality Application : Linking The Objects to Their Digital Genome
Blaz Golob , Founding Director Centre for eGovernance Development for South East Europe (SEE) – CeGD, Slovenia Presentation
Franco Grossi , Professor State University of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia Federation Holistic ICT, an innovative Ergonomic Approach to the New Media
Olivier Las Vergnas , General Delegate for Inclusion, Training and Professional Activities ; Director Paris La Villette “Cité des Métiers”, Universcience, France About the link between “on line” innovation & “physical world” innovation
Eric Legale , Managing Director Issy Media -City of Issy-les-Moulineaux, France The Digital Fort, a digital eco-district in Issy
Jane Mago , Executive Vice President General Counsel, NAB – National Association of Broadcasters, USA
Manlio Romanelli , President M-Cube S.p.A., Italy Presentation


SESSION 8 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Chair : Colin Williams , Director SBL, United-Kingdom

Michael Stankosky, Research Professor George Washington University, USA Knowledge Assurance, 21st Century Risk-Management
Magnus Wakander, Subject Matter Expert within Cyber Security at FMV ; Visiting Lecturer & Course Developer Swedish National Defense College, Center For Asymmetric Threat Studies, Sweden Supply Chain Enterprise Risk Management
Paul Wormeli, Executive Director Emeritus, Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute -IJIS ; Innovation Strategist, Wormeli Consulting, LLC, USA NIEM : National Information Exchange Model



SESSION 9 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Chair/ Moderator : Hervé Rannou , CEO Items International, France Citizen Data

Jean-Christophe Cl̩ment , Expert Energy Engineer, French Riviera Industry and Commerce Chamber, France Local Smart Grids Initiatives РTowards a connected ecosystem
Marcello Guaiana , Senior Officer International Technology Transfer Programme, AREA Science Park, Italy Geothermal and Solar Driven Innovative Energy Plants for Conditioning Residential and Commercial Buildings as ICT-Based Network of Open Laboratories
Sergio La Mura , Technical, Research & Development Director, Siram, Italy Thermal Energy Smart Grid
Massimo Lamanna , Section Leader – Data and Storage Services Group, Information Technology Department CERN – European Organisation For Nuclear Research, Switzerland Is the Big Data Experience at CERN Useful for Other Applications ?
Adriano Ruchini , EFQM Excellence Advisor, Italy
Thaima Samman , Partner & Associated Lawyer Samman Law Firm, France Smart Energy – Smart Buildings ; Energy Efficiency beyond Technology : a Change in the Usage Paradigm
Michela Vellico , Remote Sensing Expert National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics- OGS, CARS group (Cartography and Remote Sensing), Italy The Energycity Project
Marinka Vignali , General Secretary and EU Coordinator ARESS – ARAB Renewable Energy and Sustainability Society, Italy ARESS : Arab Renewable Energy and Sustainability Society
SESSION 10 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Joze Gricar, Chair Department of Informatics, University of Maribor, Slovenia Relevance of the Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion
Tomaž Breznik , Presales Specialist, SAP, Slovenia Tourism Insight @ SAP HANA
Maurizio Fermeglia , Rector University of Trieste, Italy Presentation
Christian Kittl , Managing Director, Evolaris Next Level, Graz, Austria & Mobile Living Lab, & Steering Committee, ALADIN – ALpe Adria Danube Universities Initiative, Austria Presentation
Edi Kraus ,Councillor for Economic Activities Municipality of Trieste & Director General, Julon Ljubljana d.d. & Board of Directors Member, Aquafil S.p.A. Treste, Italy
Jani Recer , Assistant Director for Informatics University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia eHealth Collaboration in Danube Region

Speakers & Delegates Documentation