Global Forum 2007

Global Forum 2007 – Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, Italy

The Global Forum 2007 highlighted a number of innovative projects from around the world and forged stronger networking on a global basis and fostered new international initiatives.

During the two-day meeting, we have focused on ways in which the digital convergence of platforms and channels can help develop a genuine multimedia and knowledge society. We have explored a myriad of issues, including business applications, development of e-communities and successful public-private partnerships.

Global Forum 2007 Exceptional Partnership

World Summit Award joins Items International in the Venice Global Forum to honour the world’s best multimedia creators and content producers for their contribution to the advancement of the global information society and creation of value.

Downloads :

Press release :

A wellknowned french blog dedicated to ICT analysing and comparing some presentations of this year’s Global Forum :



Morning Sessions

WELCOMING ADDRESSES 9:00 am – 9:15 am
Sylviane Toporkoff, President Global Forum & Founder Partner Items International, France presentation GF 2007
Massimo Cacciari, Mayor of Venice, Italy
Gino Redigolo, General Manager ULSS 8 Asolo, Italy
Pierre Laffitte, Senator & President Sophia Antipolis Foundation, France

OPENING SESSION 9:15 am – 10:45 am
Chair/ Moderator : Sylviane Toporkoff, President Global Forum & Founder Partner Items International, France
Cecilio Madero, Director DG Competition – Directorate D Services, European Commission
Thomas Rosch, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, USA Forces Driving (and Impeding) Convergence : What Can The FTC (and Like Agencies) Contribute ?
Kan’ichiro Aritomi, Former Vice Minister for Policy Coordination, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, President, Foundation for Multimedia Communications (FMMC), Japan Convergence Trends in Japan presentation GF 2007
Robert Hensler, Geneva State Chancellor, Conseil d’Etat de la République et Canton de Genève, Switzerland Internet Voting : A Truly User Centric Application presentation GF 2007
Marius Opran, Former Secretary of State for e-Administration, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Member of European Economic and Social Committee, Romania ICT : Speeding Up the Sustainable Growth of the European Union – What Problems Should We Solve ? presentation GF 2007

SESSION 1 10:45 am – 12:30 pm
Chair : Jeff Brueggeman, Vice President – Regulatory Planning & Policy, AT&T, USA presentation GF 2007 Convergence – Redefining Communications and Regulation
Moderator : Jean-Pierre Chamoux, Professor Paris V-René Descartes University, France
Gabrielle Gauthey, Commissionner, French Telecommunications and Posts Regulator ARCEP, France Broadband Infrastructure — Points of Reference and Outlook presentation GF 2007
Gérald Santucci, Head of Unit D4 – Networked Enterprise & Radio Frequency Identification –RFID-, DG INFSO & Media, European Commission From RFID to the Internet of Things presentation GF 2007
Xu Junqi, Deputy Director of Institute of Communication Policy and Management China Academy of Telecommunication Research, MII, China Network Convergence in China : The Development and Strategies – Case Study on IPTV presentation GF 2007
Lionel Chmileswky, Senior Vice President Proxim International, France Wireless Broadband Infrastructure for Innovative Applications presentation GF 2007
Eric Festraets, Director Broadband Access Marketing and Consulting, Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium Welcome to the Fibre Nation
Ibrahim Adel, Zain Group, State of Kuwait
Roberto Saracco, replaced Stefano Pileri, Managing Director Telecom Italia, Italy Next Generation Convergent Networks part 1part 2
Jacquelynn Ruff, Vice-President International Public Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Verizon, USA Broadband Infrastructure for Innovative Applications in Established & Emerging Markets presentation GF 2007

SESSION 2 10:45 am – 12:30 pm
Chair : Alison Birkett, First Counsellor Information Society, DG INFSO & Media, European Commission European Community Research – Supporting Future Technologies presentation GF 2007
Moderator : Hervé Rannou, President Items International, France
Margot Dor, Director Business Development & Communications, ETSI Open for Business presentation GF 2007
Christian Rohnke, Partner White & Case, USA The Future of Patent Law- standards and interoperability presentation GF 2007
Thomas Andersson, President Jönköping University, Sweden Innovation and Trust in the Digital World presentation GF 2007
Gianni Camisa, Chief Executive Officer AlmavivA, Italy The real challenge : Convergence towards a business model 2.0 presentation GF 2007
Eikazu Niwano, Senior Research Engineer NTT, Japan Diversity-oriented Secure Chip Management towards Network Convergence presentation GF 2007
Bruno Carron, Head of Erudine Centre of Competences EADS, France EADS and Erudine Behaviour Engine presentation GF 2007

Afternoon Sessions

OPENING SESSION 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm
Chair/ Moderator : Miriam Sapiro, President Summit Strategies International, USA
Robert Morin, Secretary General, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission – CRTC, Canada Empowering a Connected Society in a Digital World presentation GF 2007
Deborah Taylor Tate, Commissioner FCC, USA Convergence and Connectivity : Bringing Broadband to the People presentation GF 2007
Roberto Viola, Secretary General of AGCOM & Chairman of European Regulatory Group, Italy New Scenarios, New Rights, New Duties, New Regulations ? presentation GF 2007
Yannis Larios, Advisor to the Special Secretary for Digital Planning, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Greece Digital Strategy – Paving the Greek Digital Landscape presentation GF 2007

SESSION 3 2:45 pm – 4:00 pm
Chair : Innocenzo Genna, President European Competitive Telecommunications Association, ECTA Regulation and convergence presentation GF 2007
Moderator : Andrew Lipman, Partner and Head of Telecom Group Bingham McCutchen, USA U.S. Regulatory Developments of International Note presentation GF 2007
Jean-François Soupizet, Head of the International Relations Unit, DG INFSO & Media, European Commission International Cooperation Public Consultation presentation GF 2007
Theresa Swinehart, Vice President Global and Strategic Partnerships ICANN Regulation and Governance presentation GF 2007
Katrien Lefever, Legal Researcher, ICRI Leuven University, Belgium AVMS Directive Future proof ? presentation GF 2007
Bernard Benhamou, Senior Lecturer at the Political Sciences Institute in Paris and at University Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Daniele Auffray, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of New Technologies and Research, Mairie de Paris, France PPT Paris – The Digital City part 1part 2
Daniel Aghion, Executive Director and Co-Founder Wireless Internet Institute, USA The European Commission Local Government Broadband Wireless Conundrum presentation GF 2007

SESSION 4 2:45 pm – 4:00 pm
Chair/ Moderator : William Sloan Coats, Partner White & Case, USA MMORPGS – Present and Future Trends presentation GF 2007
Jay Gillette, Professor, Center for Information and Communication Sciences, Ball State University, USA Creative Collaboration for the Information Renaissance : Weblogs build Distributed Community presentation GF 2007
Robert Bell, Executive Director Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), USA Broadband and Community Collaboration. Does the Web Strengthen or Weaken Community Involvement ? presentation GF 2007
Gianluigi Albano (replaced Danilo Broggi), Head of Research Consip S.p.A., Italy The European Scenario & The Relevance of Public Procurement presentation GF 2007
Alessandro Sciolari, Scientific Director Assoknowledge Confindustria SIT, Italy European Concept presentation GF 2007
Fiorello Cortiana, Senator, Italy Knowledge Sharing presentation GF 2007
Carlo Sartori, Director, Departement of General Surgery, Castelfranco Veneto, Italy E-Learning and Streaming : Surgery Online presentation GF 2007

SESSION 5 4:15 pm – 5:45 pm
Chair : Kristin Parsley Atkins, Wireless Reach Europe, Qualcomm Inc, USA Wireless Reach, Empowering Communities Worldwide presentation GF 2007
Moderator : Elwood Kerkeslager, CEO Information Futures L.L.C., Mayor of Madison, New Jersey, USA
David Larose, Director of the IT Department City of Drancy, France City of Drancy presentation GF 2007
Simone Tasso, Hospital Medical Director Azienda ULSS n°8 Asolo & Luca Fagan, Engineer Azienda ULSS n°8 Asolo, Italy Individual Clinical Portability of the ULSS 8 Asolo Medical Network presentation GF 2007
Otto Gies, Vice President Corporate Business Development EADS, Germany Convergence Mobility and Location Based Services presentation GF 2007
Mich̬le Thonnet, Ministry of Health, e-Health Department, MISS, France ICT and Health policy in France РHow does France cope with e-Health presentation GF 2007
Chris Vein, Executive Director of the Department of Telecommunications and Information Services -Senior Technology Advisor City & County of San Francisco, USA Connecting Cities for Innovation Green ICT presentation GF 2007
David Wood, Councillor Newcastle Upon Tyne City Council, United Kingdom The National Concessionary Bus – Travel Scheme, Smartcard, ITSO in the North East of England presentation GF 2007
Lasse Berntzen , Associate Professor ,Vestfold University College, Norway Digital Planning Dialog presentation GF 2007
Patrice Cristofini, Director Partnership and Strategic Alliance France Telecom, France presentation GF 2007

Chair : Peter Bruck, General Manager Austrian Research Centers GmbH, Austria
Moderator : Hugo Kerschot, Managing Partner INDIGOV, Belgium
Sascha Haselmayer, Director & Co-Founder Interlace-Invent / Living Labs Europe, Spain Living Labs presentation GF 2007
Paolo Zocchi, Senior Adviser of the Minister of Regions and Local Authorities, Italy eGovernment 2.0 presentation GF 2007
François Bélorgey, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment, France
Chang Chia-sheng, Commissioner, Department of Information Technology, Taipei City Government , Taiwan Taipei’s Experience presentation GF 2007
Steven B. Adler, Program Director, IBM Data Governance Solutions, IBM, USA
Bror Salmelin, Adviser to the Director ICT addressing Societal Challenges, DG INFSO & Media, European Commission Service Science and Innovation presentation GF 2007
Commentators :
Edith Cresson, Former Prime Minister, President Fondation Ecole de la Deuxième Chance, France
Pierre Laffitte, Senator & President Sophia Antipolis Foundation, France


SPECIAL SESSION 5:45 pm – 7:15 pm W2i WORKSHOP sponsored by IBM
“DIGITAL CITIES : BROADBAND WIRELESS FOR BETTER MANAGED & SAFER COMMUNITIES” dedicated to Regulatory & Policy Issues in the European Union


OPENING SESSION 9:00 am – 10 : 15 am
Chair/ Moderator : Phil Noble, President Politics Online, USA Civic Sector ICT : 2.0 Integration & Innovation presentation GF 2007
Todd Ramsey, General Manager, Global Government and Education, IBM, USA Government Innovation presentation GF 2007
Adriano Alessandrini, Mayor of Segrate, Provincia di Milano, Global Cities Dialogue, Italy The Global Cities Dialogue presentation GF 2007
Mel Proudfoot, Senior Director EMEA Public Sector Oracle, UK How Converging Technologies Transform Government presentation GF 2007
Zoltán Somodi, Secretary of State, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Romania Romanian ICT Achievements presentation GF 2007
Luigi Perissich, Director General, Confindustria Servizi Innovativi e Tecnologici, Italy presentation GF 2007

SESSION 7 10:15 am – 12:00 pm
Chair : Kathryn C. Brown, Senior Vice President Public Policy Development & International Government Relations Verizon, USA Issues & Opportunities in this New Converged World presentation GF 2007
Moderator : Giorgio Prister, Strategy Consultant Items International, Italy presentation GF 2007 Fabio Iaione, Country Manager Italy Qualcomm Europe Enabling Convergence presentation GF 2007
Jane E. Mago, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, National Association of Broadcasters – NAB, USA Getting U.S. Consumers Ready For February 17, 2009 presentation GF 2007
Andrea Ambrogetti, Director of Institutional Relationship, Mediaset, Italy presentation GF 2007 Transition from Analogue to Digital TV : A revolution for All
Matteo Maggiore, Head of EU and International Policy BBC, Belgium The BBC and Convergence. Broadcasting to Empowered Users presentation GF 2007
Giovanni Ridolfi, Technological Strategies Multimedia Engineering Manager RAI, Italy Towards HDTV and beyond … presentation GF 2007

SESSION 8 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Chair : Andy Smith, Senior Director for Public Services Oracle EMEA, UK Current and Future State of eGovernment presentation GF 2007
Moderator : Alan R. Shark, Executive Director Public Technology Institute, USA From Informative to Participatory eGovernment presentation GF 2007
Paolo Baldelli, President Postelink, Italy Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). “Fondazione Ugo Bordoni” Project presentation GF 2007
Nicola Contardi, Lombardia Informatica, Italy The CRS/SISS Lombardia Project – Regional Service Card. Health & Social Care Information System presentation GF 2007
Alan Jones, CEO Somerset County Council, UK It’s About Leadership… presentation GF 2007
Eric Legale, Director Issy Media, City of Issy-les-Moulineaux, France The Example of Issy-les-Moulineaux presentation GF 2007
Madeleine Siosteen-Thiel, Senior Programme Manager Services & IT Implementation Department VINNOVA, Sweden eGOVERNET – European eGovernment Research Network presentation GF 2007
Hamlet Navasardyan, Head of Armenian Branch of International Science-Technological Centre (ISTC), Republic of Armenia IT Society in Armenia – ISTC as a part of it presentation GF 2007

SESSION 9 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Chair/ Moderator : Steven Adler, Program Director IBM Data Governance Solutions, USA The Six Questions every Organization should ask about Data Governance presentation GF 2007
Richard Livesley, Program Director, Information Governance and Quality, BMO Financial Group, Canada Information Management Governance @ BMO Financial Group presentation GF 2007
Jacques Bus, Head of Security Unit, ICT Programme, DG INFSO & Media, European Commission Data Governance, Security & Privacy presentation GF 2007
Paul Welti, Program Manager SAGEM Security SAFRAN Group, France Data governance, Biometrics application for national Identity and fraud prevention
Edward Keck, Chief Security Strategist Key Bank, USA KeyBank and the IBM DGMM presentation GF 2007
Cengiz Barlas, Chief DataSteward Discover Financial Services, USA Data Governance Maturity Model Use at Discover Financial Services presentation GF 2007

SPECIAL SESSION 2:30 pm – 6:00pm
Parallel Working lunch – W2i WORKSHOP
sponsored by IBM W2i_EuropeanCities

Sous-rubriques de Global Forum 2007, Venice, Italy